A-Z Guide to Business Expenses for Sole Traders

As a sole trader, knowing which expenses are allowable for tax relief can make a significant difference in managing your finances effectively. Properly categorising and claiming business expenses helps reduce your tax bill while ensuring compliance with HMRC regulations.

24 January 2025
Reading time
Around 7 min

This guide provides an extensive A-Z breakdown of common business costs, their tax implications, and links to HMRC guidance for more clarity. Understanding what you can and can’t claim will help you avoid common tax pitfalls and maximise your savings.

A: Advertising & Marketing

Promoting your business is essential, and the good news is advertising and marketing expenses are fully tax-deductible as long as they are exclusively for business purposes. This includes:

  • Digital ads (social media, Google Ads).

  • Website development and branding costs.

  • Business cards, brochures, and promotional materials.

Just ensure that expenses solely serve business growth and are not personal in nature.
HMRC Guidance

B: Bank Charges & Broadband

Bank Charges

If you have a separate business bank account, you can claim tax relief on charges such as transaction fees, overdraft interest, and loan repayment fees. If you use a personal account for business purposes, ensure that only business-related charges are claimed, with proper records to justify them.
HMRC Guidance


  • Home Broadband: When your internet is used for both personal and business activities, you can claim only the percentage used for work. Document this split to avoid discrepancies with HMRC.

  • Office Broadband: Fully claimable if your broadband contract is strictly for business use.
    HMRC Guidance

C: Charitable Donations & Clothing

Charitable Donations

Charitable contributions are not classified as business expenses for sole traders. However, you can receive tax relief by donating through Gift Aid to a registered charity.


Only clothing that is necessary for your business qualifies for tax relief. This includes:

  • Branded uniforms.

  • Protective or specialist workwear (e.g., safety boots).
    General clothing, even if worn while working, does not qualify.
    HMRC Guidance

D: Dogs (Working Animals)

Expenses for working dogs, such as guard dogs or those required for your business (e.g., in farming), can be claimed. This may include costs like food, veterinary bills, and training, as long as the animal is essential to your operations. Proper documentation is necessary to validate these expenses.

E: Electricity & Entertaining


  • Home Office: You can claim a proportion of your electricity bill based on business use, which may include heating, lighting, and powering equipment.

  • Business Premises: Full electricity costs are allowable if they are exclusively for your business.
    HMRC Guidance


  • Clients: Entertaining clients, such as meals or gifts, is not tax-deductible.

  • Employees: Limited entertaining expenses, such as Christmas parties or employee events, may qualify if they meet specific HMRC criteria (e.g., under £150 per head).
    HMRC Guidance

F: Flights & Food


Flights for business purposes are tax-deductible, but if the trip involves both business and personal activities, only the business-related portion is claimable. Maintain flight itineraries and receipts to ensure compliance.
HMRC Travel Expenses

Food & Drink

  • While Travelling: If you're traveling for work, meals purchased during the trip are allowable. This applies to overnight stays or travel outside your normal working pattern. Receipts are essential for claims.
    HMRC Guidance

G: Gifts

To Employees

Trivial benefits valued under £50 (e.g., holiday gifts) can be claimed as tax-free. Cash or vouchers do not qualify.

To Clients

Gifts branded with your company’s name (e.g., pens, mugs) are allowable, provided their value is under £50. Items such as alcohol or tobacco cannot be claimed.
HMRC Guidance

H: Hotel Accommodation

Hotels required for overnight business travel are tax-deductible. If the trip involves personal travel, only the portion directly related to business can be claimed. Retain receipts and clear documentation.
HMRC Travel Expenses

I: Insurance

Business-related insurance policies, such as public liability or professional indemnity insurance, are fully allowable. Personal policies like life or health insurance are not deductible.
HMRC Guidance

M: Mileage & Mobile Phone


Claim mileage costs using HMRC’s flat rates (e.g., 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles). Maintain a detailed log of trips to ensure compliance.
HMRC Mileage Rates

Mobile Phone

  • Personal Phone: Claim the percentage of your usage related to business calls, messages, or apps.

  • Business Phone: If the phone is solely for business use, the entire cost is deductible.

P: Pension Contributions & Professional Fees

Pension Contributions

Sole traders cannot claim personal pension contributions as a business expense. However, these may qualify for personal tax relief.
HMRC Pension Contributions

Professional Fees

Fees for accountants, solicitors, or professional memberships directly related to your business are allowable expenses.
HMRC Guidance

R: Rent

Home Office:

Proportionally claim rent if you work from home, based on space and time used for business purposes.

Office Space:

Rent for dedicated office or workspace is fully deductible.

V: Vehicle Expenses

Sole traders can claim business mileage or actual vehicle running costs (fuel, maintenance). Ensure you keep accurate records of mileage logs and receipts.
HMRC Mileage Rates

W: Website Hosting

Expenses for website hosting, development, and maintenance are deductible if the website directly supports your business operations.

X: Xmas Parties

Sole traders cannot claim expenses for personal or client entertainment, including Christmas parties. Only employee events qualify for tax relief.


Navigating business expenses as a sole trader doesn’t have to be complicated. By knowing which costs are allowable and keeping accurate records, you can reduce your tax burden and ensure compliance with HMRC regulations. When in doubt, consult a professional accountant to ensure you’re making the most of your deductions.

HMRC Self-Employed Expenses Guide

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