It takes time to interpret numbers

Not everyone has bean-counting superpowers

You didn't start your business to do paperwork, receipt filing and number crunching - no one does (ok...we did). Your superhero power is specific to your industry and what you do best. This means it will be challenging for you to interpret a sheet full of numbers and make sure you're on top of all the compliance issues to make the best decisions.

Hassle free migration

No migration fees
Unlimited Support
Free onboarding
Dedicated Superhero

Finance Box is a leading provider of accounting and finance solutions that aims to make the transition from one software platform to another as seamless as possible and don't charge any software migration fees when switching too Xero or QuickBooks.

In addition to the hassle-free migration, Finance Box also offers a dedicated UK accountant ensuring you receive personalised support and guidance, tailored to your specific requirements.

No question too small

Finance Box provides unlimited support to its clients, no question is too small. The support team can be reached at any time with any queries or issues you may have. The team at Finance Box is committed to resolving any problems promptly and efficiently, ensuring that businesses can continue their operations without any disruptions.

Our onboarding process is designed to be smooth and efficient, allowing businesses to quickly adapt to the new platform and take advantage of its features and benefits.

The right team can help share the load

You can have tomorrow's data today

We live in a digital age and there’s an app or bot (or even a side-kick) for almost anything. There is tech that reads bills, banks connect to your accounting platforms, bots that chase your customers for cash.

Up to date accounts means you can instantly see if you can hire that new person - or avoid that cashflow hole. Making better decisions is easily within reach if you have the right team behind you.

Finance Box have the time you need

Let us lend a helping hand

With our purple capes and hero attitude, we have the experience to automate processes, digitise accounts and show you what’s coming next. Paperwork is a thing of the past, your decision-making process is easier - and your valuable time is back in your hands.

No more compliance issues, no more surprises and most importantly - no more admin on your list. Let us help you to get back to using your own super-powers for what you do best.