Need that cashflow boost?

At Finance Box, our Bean-counting Superheroes are passionate about giving our clients access to the best tools in their app-stack and services in the industry by introducing our side-kicks.

We’re excited to partner with Fluidly to help you get the business funding you need to escape your current situation and get to that place of freedom.

Use this straightforward tool to find tailored funding offers for your business in just 30 seconds.

Enter your business name in the panel to see your options in seconds.

From financing new equipment to covering a VAT bill, access the funding you need to take action. Fluidly's tools and specialists help you look at multiple lenders, get offers quickly and secure a loan in days. 

What is Fluidly?

Fluidly is an award-winning funding and cashflow business, with a five star rating on Xero and QuickBooks and an Excellent rating on TrustPilot. As a side-kick to our services, we’d recommend nothing less. Our partnership with them means we can match you with the best lenders in the UK from across the entire market.

Whether you’re looking for invoice finance or a government-backed Recovery Loan, their FCA-regulated funding specialists work alongside us to make sure you get the finance you need at the right time for your business.

Finance Box partner with Fluidly

We use Fluidly as one of our favoured app-stack partners to help clients predict cash flow and plan for the future. Fluidly's app neatly reads your Xero data and with our input, creates a neat forecast using AI and known extras from a consultation with you. We can plan for any negative events that we see in the future or help make decisions on spending. Fluidly can then directly help with funding and highlight opportunities to chase debts.