
EIS and SEIS: Tax-Efficient Investment

Investment can be a complex landscape, especially when aiming to balance risk with potential reward.

How the Spring Budget 2023 might affect you and your money

We have a new Budget and with it comes a roadmap of what you can expect from the government’s fiscal plans for the next few months and beyond. Unveiled by Chancellor Jeremy...

6 Tips to Move Your Business Forward in 2022: How to Prepare for the Future

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the changes that are happening in the world? Don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, a lot of business owners are feeling uncertain about the...

4 Effective Ways to Accelerate the Growth of Your Small Business

Growth requires you to invest a significant amount of time and money, and it can take a while before you begin to reap the rewards. This article contains powerful tips to...

How to Choose the Right Accountant to Invest In

Choosing a great accountant is one of the best investments you can make for your business. A quality accountant can do much more than save you money on your tax bill - although...

How to Stop Burning Through Your Startup Budget

Most entrepreneurs are all too familiar with the rather depressing failure rate of startup businesses; research by Investopedia found that 50% fail by their fifth year. The same...

How to Protect Your Startup During Tough Economic Times

There are very few people who would consider an economic downturn to be good news, but tough economic times are particularly difficult for startup business owners. Unlike...

7 Big Mistakes that Are Turning Investors Off from Your Business

The right investors could propel your small business to success. Not only do investors provide funding to accelerate growth, they also provide experience and expertise that may...

Getting a KIC out of EIS relief

EIS and SEIS can give investors great tax bandits when investing in your business.

Thinking of using an EIS or SEIS Scheme?

EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme) and SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme) have become very popular amongst businesses looking to encourage investment and raise funds.