Specialised accountancy support for new businesses

We love to help start ups when they probably need us most. We get that you need the number-crunching and finances to be under control, but we also know that you also need to be getting your business name out there, sales in - and bills paid. That’s where we come in!

Discover how our accounting superpowers can help your new business' growth and success

Understanding the challenges faced by new companies is one of the things we do best. Accounting for start ups is different at every stage of the setting up process. We can deal with the paperwork involved in registrations, applications for funding and leases, forecasting and budgeting, monitoring sales and margins and all of the other things that start a business off on a stable path.


For many businesses, recording your income becomes more challenging when you have different teams, different revenue streams, or you find yourselves dealing with cash, for instance. With no historical data, accurate and up to date records are just as important as for other business types - if not more so because of the need to respond to events as they happen.


Businesses can’t survive without budgets - however much some people like to manage without them. How will you know if you have any chance of making a profit? Setting sensible budgets - and sticking to them - ensures you have the best possible way forward. Our expertise makes sure you give yourselves enough budget to work with on the important things and lets you know where cutbacks can be made with minimal effect.


You are most likely a registered limited company, which means you will have to report to Companies House each year and fill out tax returns. We make reporting simple and quick to minimise stress and time.


Accounting software makes everyone’s life easier and means up to date data is ready instantly. We automate as many business processes as we possibly can to make sure that valuable information is at your fingertips when you need it. The software we use creates figures in a format that feeds through to HMRC and Companies House seamlessly.


Predict and estimate future financial outcomes based on historical data, market trends, and other relevant factors. We specialise in various forecasting techniques to help your startup plan ahead effectively. One such method is three-way forecasting, which combines three key financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. By integrating these statements, we can provide you with a comprehensive view of your startup's financial health, allowing you to anticipate cash flow fluctuations, identify potential funding gaps, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Making it easier to run your aspiring company

At Finance Box, we’re passionate about helping new ventures hit the ground running and achieve their goals.

Our team of financial superheroes is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for all your business needs, ensuring you can focus on saving the day for your startup. From automating mundane processes, digitising accounts, and handling your books, we can help you streamline your operations so you can focus on your core competencies. Additionally, we can assist you in taking steps towards paperless operations as part of our effort to provide holistic and sustainable support for your business.

Ready to take your startup to new heights?

Let us be your trusty sidekick at this crucial stage